服务导航 Services category

Party decorate派对装饰
Balloon delivery气球快递
Bouncy castle充气城堡/游乐设备
Carnival games嘉年华游戏
D.I.Y party创意派对
Fun food休闲美食
Traditional art民间艺术
Equipment rent设备租赁
Birthday cake艺术生日蛋糕

联系方式 contact us

English Speaking:13501837200 William
Japanese Speaking:13916900046 Rika
Cake consulting we chat:Rike0046

Cartoon clay卡通彩陶

  • 详细内容
儿童陶艺是我公司一门增强动手动脑,发挥想象力提高审美能力的 PARTY DIY 活动,我们用非常环保的软陶泥(彩陶)给孩子们制作各种作品,并可以烧制永远留念。 现代儿童陶艺已提升为儿童教育的范畴,他对儿童的成长过程起到很大的促进作用,我们赋予美术教育全新的内涵传递美学知识,培养艺术感觉和艺术气质,提高动手能力倡导“个性化,玩耍式”的艺术天地创作属于你自己的作品!
Cartoon caly is a Party DIY activity to enhance hands-on brain, stretch the imagination and improve the aesthetic ability guided by our corporation. We provide the children with environmentally friendly clay mud (clay) to produce a variety of works which could be fired to the models as the sweet memory forever. Modern Children Pottery has been classified into the scope of the early children education and it plays a significant role in helping the growth of children. We expand the new meaning of art education with passing the aesthetic knowledge and cultivating the sense of art or the artistic temperament, Create your own work to improve the practical ability and advocate

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Shanghai Mrs.William Kids Party & Party Rentals

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